Human Resource Management

Entrepreneurial action, responsibility and character 

We are convinced that each employee can demonstrate this in his role and it is precisely this that should distinguish us.

Professional responsibilities – value added for the company and people
Without the day-to-day performance of our employees, their ideas and their commitment, our company would be unable to achieve any economic success. However, apart from success as an economic variable, working for our company should also make sense to individuals, it should offer self-affirmation, pleasure in contact with others and opportunities for personal development. Devising professional activity that offers this is a priority for us.

Structure framework conditions to achieve common goals
The curve ranges from planning and implementing training and education tailored to requirements to guaranteeing job security and health protection to designing programmes and a culture that positions the company as an attractive employer overall.
Human Resources will provide the impetus for these tasks but in the end achieving this is always the result of positive interaction between all employees and management.

Christiane Michalski Team Leader HR
+49 (69) 4011-5 36
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