Donau Carbon participates in interdisciplinary research project
„Re-Salt“ – New approaches to the (re)use of saline process waters
After successful application for the funding program "Sustainable technologies and concepts to in-crease water availability through water reuse and desalination" (WavE) within the scope of the funding "Sustainable water management" (NaWaM), the project "Re-Salt" funded by the German Federal Ministry of education and research (BMBF) started in October 2016.
Under sponsoring of Covestro and in collaboration with industry partners as Donau Carbon and EnviroChemie together with research groups at the University Duisburg-Essen, the TH Köln, the DECHEMA Research Institute and the Water Technology Center of DVGW, new ways to reuse saline industrial process wastewaters are explored. The aim is both to reduce salt emissions into waterbodies and to recycle valuable resources like dissolved salt respectively the brine, which were not or only partially reusable before, economically.
In the joint project, which has a duration of three years, different approaches for the purification of this process waste water are tracked and will finally be implemented at a demonstration plant on the Covestro site in Krefeld-Uerdingen.
The specially adapted Activated Carbon material of Donau Carbon will be a central part of the conditioning, where the development focus is on the decrease of organic residues in the brine, which so far prevent the extensive recycling.
The BMBF project "Re-Salt" is a further step in the already existing successful collaboration between Covestro and Donau Carbon in the challenging field of recycling of saline waste water, as it occurs e.g. in the production of polycarbonate
Use of the image by courtesy of Covestro AG
The joint project website (in German) informs about details on basics and objectives of the project as well as recent pro-gress.